Employer: The Harbour View Place

Location: Hong Kong
Job Ref.: CT3077400-01#0029
We are seeking proactive and wholehearted attitude people for the following position:
We offer an attractive remuneration package and career development opportunity to the successful candidates. Please apply in writing with your resume and expected salary to:
The HarbourView Place, Human Resources Office, 1 Austin Road West, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Station or
Email: humanresources@theharbourviewplace.com
Job Ref.: CT3077400-01#0029
We are seeking proactive and wholehearted attitude people for the following position:
We offer an attractive remuneration package and career development opportunity to the successful candidates. Please apply in writing with your resume and expected salary to:
The HarbourView Place, Human Resources Office, 1 Austin Road West, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Station or
Email: humanresources@theharbourviewplace.com
(All data collected will be treated strictly confidence and used solely for recruitment purposes only)