Employer: Obsidian Solutions Group (OSG)
Location: Fort Meade , MD
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Security Clearance: TS/SCI
(This position is contingent upon contract award)
Job Summary
The Intelligence Support Analyst shall function as a part of an intelligence analytical team of military and/or DoD civilian analysts in support AWG’s intelligence analytical requirements. by providing highly qualified, cross-functional intelligence analysis and combat experienced personnel possessing expertise in full spectrum intelligence operations and analysis incorporating all intelligence disciplines (including, but not limited to, HUMINT, SIGINT, Counterintelligence (CI), IMINT, GEOINT, MASINT, and OSINT) and subject knowledge of operational and tactical TTPs to include (but not limited to) tactical and operational full spectrum targeting; intelligence collection techniques; asymmetric/unconventional threats and TTPs; improvised explosives; enabler/asset integration; subterranean operations; weapons of mass destruction; close combat techniques; site exploitation; Army Rapid Solution Development Initiatives; and individual and force protection. Personnel supporting the S-2 section require at least to ten years of intelligence experience and at least six years of military experience. The Intelligence and military experience do not have to be concurrent. The Contractor shall not direct or control intelligence or counter-intelligence operations - or otherwise engage in inherently Governmental functions.
Key Accountabilities
The Contractor shall adhere to the following in the conduct of providing support:
a. Conduct all intelligence activities in accordance with All Intelligence Community Directives from the Directorate of National Intelligence, AR 381-10, US Army Intelligence Activities; Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 2-0, Intelligence; Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 2-0, Intelligence; Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 2-33.4, Intelligence Analysis; ATP 2-22.9, Open-Source Intelligence; and Field Manual (FM) 2-01.3.
b. Provide full spectrum intelligence collection and analysis in all intelligence disciplines including, but not limited to, HUMINT, SIGINT, Counterintelligence (CI), IMINT, GEOINT, MASINT, and OSINT.
c. Properly mark all products IAW AR 380-5 and DoDM 5100.01 Volumes 1-4.
d. Properly cite all sources used IAW with AWG Intelligence SOP.
Contractor shall provide the following support:
a. Provide simultaneous forward/deployed intelligence support and home station intelligence support for each of the five AWG geographic areas of intelligence responsibility (CENTCOM, AFRICOM, EUCOM, PACOM, and NORTHCOM/SOUTHCOM combined) and the AWG virtual area of intelligence responsibility (CYBERCOM).
i. Forward/deployed intelligence support is defined as in-person intelligence support in any location other than Fort George G. Meade, MD and includes mission analysis, intelligence community collaboration, information requirement management, intelligence advisory support, and intelligence support to advisory operations.
ii. Home station intelligence support is defined as in-person intelligence support located at Fort George G. Meade, MD and includes dedicated analytical support to each operational squadron (Able, Baker, and Charlie), general analytical support for each GCC and CYBERCOM, mission analysis and pre-mission intelligence support, in-depth, daily intelligence research focused on each GCC, maintenance and expansion of the habitual relationships with the G2, Intelligence Sections, of each GCC, ASCC, TSOC, Army Corps, and Army Division, weekly production of the S2 Global Intelligence Summary, research, updates and contributions to the Named Areas of Interest (NAI) List, special projects and assessments, battle update briefs, production of intelligence summaries, estimates, studies, information papers, and presentations as directed by the AWG S2 or AWG ASPS OIC, and weekly participation at the S2 synchronization meetings.
b. Participate in and provide analytical support to Concept and Integration Squadron’s efforts/activities
i. Conduct research and experimentation to facilitate solution development or capability demonstrations. Write and maintain information papers, running estimates, quad charts, DOTMLPF analysis, and other products on potential materiel and non-materiel solutions.
ii. Assist project managers and actively participate in IST meetings to facilitate solution development and provide continuity from project initiation through DOTMLPF integration (two per month).
iii. Support the development of solutions to capability gaps derived from AWG’s tactical observations and trends (level of effort determined during Tactical Mission Summary (TMS) reviews).
iv. Support experimentation and analysis on developed and emerging technologies and/or concepts to improve asymmetric threat defeat (average four per calendar year).
c. Read, digest, and analyze all AWG post mission reports and provide monthly statistical and trend analysis IAW the AWG S2 SOP and in the AWG Product Analysis report format. For planning purposes, contractor can expect to no less than 70 post mission reports per month.
d. Participate in the monthly CALL forums and compare/contrast with the information derived from paragraph c above. Contractor will produce an information paper to meet this requirement.
e. Conduct research on open source (Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router (NIPR)), secret (Secure Internet Protocol Router (SIPR)), and top-secret (Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS)) computers and network systems that identifies raw information, unevaluated intelligence, and finished intelligence.
f. Communicate with the full spectrum of AWG supported elements and partners, from DoD and non-DoD organizations at the strategic, operational, and tactical level consisting of individuals ranging from junior enlisted soldiers to General Officers, DA and DoD civilians to Senior Executive Service civilians, DoS personnel including Ambassadors, leaders and personnel within the U.S. interagency, commercial industry personnel, and foreign government officials.
g. Products and services:
i. Mission Analysis. The AWG staff and subordinate elements conduct comprehensive mission analysis for future missions across the globe 10-20 times per month. Contractor personnel will prepare and brief the intelligence portion of each mission analysis briefing, in accordance with ATP 2-33.4 for upcoming missions, to include initial development and reassessment of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) in order to describe the operational environment for the Operational Advisors. “All contractor products shall be submitted to AWG Government personnel for review and approval.” The intelligence portion of the mission analysis includes identification of emerging threat trends and tactics, techniques and procedures used by the adversary, capabilities and vulnerabilities of the threat, current mitigation measures IAW U.S. Army doctrine or best practices and measures used in similar environments, intelligence gaps, information requirements, and analysis of operational environments as they relate to AWG Priority Intelligence Requirements. Contractor will compose all documents IAW AR 25-50 and the AWG Security Classification Guide, citing all sources of information. Mission Analysis services and products are due to the All Source Production Chief for review no later than close of business the day prior to scheduled mission analysis briefing. Contractor will also attend the pre-execution briefing, led by Operational Advisors executing the mission, given to the Group Commander and be available to respond to any intelligence related questions.
ii. Intelligence Community Collaboration. Contractor personnel will engage all levels of the intelligence community including, but not limited to, the National Ground Intelligence Center, JIEDDO/COIC, TRADOC’s Training Intelligence Support Activity, Defense attachés, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the U.S. Border Patrol to coordinate and execute information exchanges for pre and post-mission briefs, to gather information requirements from outside entities, to enhance the intelligence community’s awareness of AWG missions and ensure coordination of pre and post mission debriefs with appropriate debriefing authority. Contractor collaboration for current and future missions will begin immediately after a mission is approved for planning and will continue through completion of a post-mission briefing and dissemination.
iii. Information Requirements (IR). Contractors will acquire information gaps and requests for information (RFI) from the intelligence community and develop IRs for use by the AWG Operational Advisors conducting missions. Contractors will communicate these IRs to AWG staff, commanders, and subordinate elements via various documents and briefings. The Contractor will incorporate IRs into the Concept of Operations (CONOP) during mission analysis and disseminate to appointed Operational Advisors no later than eight days prior to mission execution. Upon release of the post-mission reports, answers to IRs will be disseminated within eight working days.
iv. Intelligence Advisory Support. Contractor will provide direct, on-site intelligence advisory support to AWG missions in a multi-faceted capacity not less than ten times per year, with each instance lasting no longer than 120 days. Contractor will provide expertise, lessons learned and best practices of intelligence processes, applications and Department of Defense analytical tools, such as the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS), Palantir, Multi-media messages, QueryTree, Psi Jabber, H-Space, and I-Space. Contractor will support US Forces, Unified Action Partners (as defined by ADRP 3-0), Partner Nations or Host Nation. Contractor will support conventional and special operation forces to establish or enhance operations and intelligence fusion cells in CONUS and OCONUS locations, evaluate intelligence related deficiencies, and provide on-the-spot materiel and non-materiel advice. Contractor will also provide the supporting unit with points of contact in the intelligence community who can provide deeper analysis on specific, identified topics, Mission Command’s Centers of Excellence, solutions, countermeasures, applications, and best practices used in similar Operational Environments. For each mission, Contractor will compose and deliver the appropriate products and briefings to a multitude of personnel, from small tactical teams to leaders at the Ambassador level.
v. Intelligence Support to Advisory Operations. Not less than ten times per year, with each instance lasting no longer than 120 days, Contractor will provide direct, on-site intelligence support to AWG Advisory Operations. Contractor will provide intelligence support to Operational Advisors abroad in support of global missions using core analytical techniques IAW ATP 2-33.4 to enhance situational awareness to OAs, inform of immediate threats, emerging threats, and TTPs by analyzing the full spectrum of intelligence disciplines (GEOINT, IMINT, MASINT, HUMINT, SIGINT and OSINT). Contractor will provide enemy situational templates and assessments of the environment as well as any other intelligence request for information by the supporting element while forward deployed.
vi. S2 Global Intelligence Summary. The S2 Global Intelligence Summary informs the AWG, higher headquarters, and external audience of current intelligence and emerging threats or TTPs that have strategic, operational, and/or tactical level implications to US Forces using the core analytical techniques IAW ATP 2-33.4. Contractor will conduct thorough research across the network domains (NIPRNET, SIPRNET, and JWICS) and will use current, relevant, finished intelligence products to write articles for inclusion in the S2 Global Intelligence Summary. Contractor is permitted to use unfinished intelligence if said information is vetted prior to use. Contractor will write articles related to current and future AWG missions, AWG Priorities, Integrated Solution Team (IST) topics, AWG priority countries of interest derived from the AWG NAI Update, or identifying an emerging threat to US Forces. Contractor will cite no less than four sources per article. The S2 Global Intelligence Summary is divided into the five AWG areas of intelligence responsibility and CYBERCOM and will include three to five articles each for CENTCOM and AFRICOM, and two to three articles each for PACOM, EUCOM and the Western Hemisphere (NORTHCOM & SOUTHCOM) and two articles for CYBERCOM. Each article will include an assessment correlating the relevance to AWG missions, previous related observations annotated in previous AWG products (Tactical Trip Reports, Tactical Mission Summaries, Squadron situation reports (SITREP), executive summaries (EXSUM) and/or Information Papers), other environments in which the TTPs have been employed and observations of counter-TTPs, as applicable. Additionally, Contractor will identify the evolution of a TTP and/or the transfer or migration of a TTP to other operational environments, as applicable. Contractor will provide finished articles to the ASPC OIC no later than COB Thursday of each week.
vii. AWG NAI Update. AWG’s NAI are intended to focus AWG’s Global Scout Operations and analytical efforts to inform the Group Commander’s decision-making process. The methodology calculates friendly and environmental factors per country as they fit into established criteria, and then assigns a numeric value to each country based on these factors. Contractor will routinely review and evaluate the methodology, propose changes when and where applicable, research, analyze and update the value based off the criteria established in the methodology. Contractor will participate in updating this product each quarter.
viii. Special Projects and Assessments. AWG’s fluid nature requires ad-hoc analysis and assessments. No less than three times a quarter, Contractor will provide special assessments or analytical products, such as Desknotes, PowerPoint briefings, information papers, Emerging Threat Estimates, etc., that will be used to inform AWG, its higher headquarters and/or supporting elements. These special projects and assessments will be identified by the AWG S2 or the ASPC OIC. These special projects and assessments will require thorough intelligence research, analysis, and assessments. Examples of special projects and assessments include analysis of specific threat trends, identification and discussion of current intelligence tools or emerging tools available to enhance analytical capabilities throughout the intelligence institution.
ix. Battle Update Briefs. Once a week, Contractor shall prepare slides covering at least four to five intelligence highlights for the AWG Commander’s weekly battle update. Contractor will thoroughly research topics and prepare presentations, then deliver the slides to the ASPS OIC by the close of business on the day prior to the briefing, as determined by the AWG battle rhythm. Contractor will deliver the Global Intelligence Update for the AWG Commanders Update Brief when the ASPS OIC is absent.
x. Group Intelligence Synchronization. Contractor shall participate in the weekly synchronization meeting with the AWG S2 personnel and Squadron Intelligence personnel. Contractor shall update supporting slides concerning Squadron support efforts, general mission support, and special projects. The weekly synchronization meeting will occur as determined by the AWG S2’s battle rhythm.
xi. Trip and Meeting reports. While travelling, Contractor shall provide a daily update of activities and future activities to both the AWG S2 and the supported unit. Contractor shall write reports during and/or after their missions that convey what they’ve learned or witnessed in accordance with AWG standards and priorities. At a minimum, Contractor shall provide reports from seminars, conferences, working groups and meetings attended.
xii. Request for Information (RFI) Management. Contractor will collect, consolidate, send and receive Requests for Information (RFI) between the Intelligence Section and other entities, both internal and external. Contractor will develop and maintain a tracking system for RFI submission and receipt. Contractor will also maintain a list or database of points of contact for use with RFI submission and receipt.
xiii. RFI Answering. Contractor will research, collate, and analyze pertinent information to answer RFI from AWG and external supported units.
h. Contribute to AWG’s solution development and integration process. Contractor shall identify operational capability gaps, potential solutions, and assist with the assessment and implementation of solutions.
i. Participate in Working Groups. Contractor shall attend and constructively participate in various working groups conducted locally, within the National Capital Region, other CONUS locations, and occasionally in OCONUS locations. Working groups are episodic and cover a multitude of topics depending on the need. For planning purposes, Contractor can expect to participate in three or more working groups for each of the five AWG geographic areas of intelligence responsibility and CYBERCOM.
j. Contractor will provide sufficient supervision to task, monitor, track, control, support, coordinate, de-conflict, and synchronize contractor support to the Intelligence Section and meet the Government suspense.
k. Information Management. Contractor will provide experience information management (IM) capabilities with the Intelligence (S2) Section to organize, retrieve, acquire, secure, maintain and disseminate the multitude of digital information accumulated, analyzed, and produced in the Intelligence Section. IM capabilities will be used to synchronize with the AWG KM Section to improve S2 performance, innovation, and sharing of information with internal and external organizations.
l. Doctrinal Update: AWG is routinely sent copies of draft Army publications for review and comment. Contractor will provide draft feedback and input as requested for comments and recommendations based on relevant contractor expertise. The Contractor shall submit all updates and products to AWG officials for pre-approval.
Knowledge and Skills
Must possess strong research and writing skills and be capable of effectively operating as a member of a strategic level analytical team in the accomplishment of intelligence products and assessments.
Working knowledge of the national, operational, and tactical intelligence infrastructure available to DoD. Strong critical thinking and analytical skills, and the ability to work independently with strong problem solving skills.
Must be creative and have the ability to look at problems from multiple vantage points Ability to multi-task, prioritize workload, and successfully handle competing deadlines.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills with managers as well as team members.
Familiarity with full range of intelligence disciplines.
Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office products including PowerPoint, SharePoint and intelligence-related automation and communications capabilities within INTELINK, JWICS, and SIPR Net.
Experience and Education
Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university is preferred but not required.
Minimum of 5 years Special Operations experience.
Physical Requirements and Work Environment
Must maintain an appropriate level of physical fitness to conduct extended operations in a variety of terrain and environmental conditions.
Shall possess and maintain a level of physical fitness which enables them to operate in field conditions where they may have to, at a minimum, tolerate heat well in excess of 110 degrees in the summer and cold or freezing conditions during the winter.
Must be able to pass an age-adjusted Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) on a no-notice or semi-annual basis.
Deployable Contractor personnel must be physically and medically qualified to deploy to OCONUS locations.
Ability to will travel (less than 40% of the time) independently and accompanied, to various CONUS and OCONUS locations, to include potential hostile fire zones.
Deployments typically do not exceed four months at a time, however, the Contractor must be able to deploy within 10 business days of notice.
The above information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees assigned to this job.
Company Overview
Obsidian Solutions Group (OSG) is a diversified consulting and technology company providing flexible and responsive solutions to federal, state, and local agencies and organizations. Our core domains are overseas and domestic mission support operations, collection/analysis/identification, and information technology. Obsidian Solutions Group is comprised of strategic and operational personnel who provide its clients deep domain expertise across a comprehensive spectrum of skill sets, allowing mission accomplishment and development of long-term capabilities.
Obsidian Solutions Group is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, any other non-merit factor, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Location: Fort Meade , MD
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Security Clearance: TS/SCI
(This position is contingent upon contract award)
Job Summary
The Intelligence Support Analyst shall function as a part of an intelligence analytical team of military and/or DoD civilian analysts in support AWG’s intelligence analytical requirements. by providing highly qualified, cross-functional intelligence analysis and combat experienced personnel possessing expertise in full spectrum intelligence operations and analysis incorporating all intelligence disciplines (including, but not limited to, HUMINT, SIGINT, Counterintelligence (CI), IMINT, GEOINT, MASINT, and OSINT) and subject knowledge of operational and tactical TTPs to include (but not limited to) tactical and operational full spectrum targeting; intelligence collection techniques; asymmetric/unconventional threats and TTPs; improvised explosives; enabler/asset integration; subterranean operations; weapons of mass destruction; close combat techniques; site exploitation; Army Rapid Solution Development Initiatives; and individual and force protection. Personnel supporting the S-2 section require at least to ten years of intelligence experience and at least six years of military experience. The Intelligence and military experience do not have to be concurrent. The Contractor shall not direct or control intelligence or counter-intelligence operations - or otherwise engage in inherently Governmental functions.
Key Accountabilities
The Contractor shall adhere to the following in the conduct of providing support:
a. Conduct all intelligence activities in accordance with All Intelligence Community Directives from the Directorate of National Intelligence, AR 381-10, US Army Intelligence Activities; Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 2-0, Intelligence; Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 2-0, Intelligence; Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 2-33.4, Intelligence Analysis; ATP 2-22.9, Open-Source Intelligence; and Field Manual (FM) 2-01.3.
b. Provide full spectrum intelligence collection and analysis in all intelligence disciplines including, but not limited to, HUMINT, SIGINT, Counterintelligence (CI), IMINT, GEOINT, MASINT, and OSINT.
c. Properly mark all products IAW AR 380-5 and DoDM 5100.01 Volumes 1-4.
d. Properly cite all sources used IAW with AWG Intelligence SOP.
Contractor shall provide the following support:
a. Provide simultaneous forward/deployed intelligence support and home station intelligence support for each of the five AWG geographic areas of intelligence responsibility (CENTCOM, AFRICOM, EUCOM, PACOM, and NORTHCOM/SOUTHCOM combined) and the AWG virtual area of intelligence responsibility (CYBERCOM).
i. Forward/deployed intelligence support is defined as in-person intelligence support in any location other than Fort George G. Meade, MD and includes mission analysis, intelligence community collaboration, information requirement management, intelligence advisory support, and intelligence support to advisory operations.
ii. Home station intelligence support is defined as in-person intelligence support located at Fort George G. Meade, MD and includes dedicated analytical support to each operational squadron (Able, Baker, and Charlie), general analytical support for each GCC and CYBERCOM, mission analysis and pre-mission intelligence support, in-depth, daily intelligence research focused on each GCC, maintenance and expansion of the habitual relationships with the G2, Intelligence Sections, of each GCC, ASCC, TSOC, Army Corps, and Army Division, weekly production of the S2 Global Intelligence Summary, research, updates and contributions to the Named Areas of Interest (NAI) List, special projects and assessments, battle update briefs, production of intelligence summaries, estimates, studies, information papers, and presentations as directed by the AWG S2 or AWG ASPS OIC, and weekly participation at the S2 synchronization meetings.
b. Participate in and provide analytical support to Concept and Integration Squadron’s efforts/activities
i. Conduct research and experimentation to facilitate solution development or capability demonstrations. Write and maintain information papers, running estimates, quad charts, DOTMLPF analysis, and other products on potential materiel and non-materiel solutions.
ii. Assist project managers and actively participate in IST meetings to facilitate solution development and provide continuity from project initiation through DOTMLPF integration (two per month).
iii. Support the development of solutions to capability gaps derived from AWG’s tactical observations and trends (level of effort determined during Tactical Mission Summary (TMS) reviews).
iv. Support experimentation and analysis on developed and emerging technologies and/or concepts to improve asymmetric threat defeat (average four per calendar year).
c. Read, digest, and analyze all AWG post mission reports and provide monthly statistical and trend analysis IAW the AWG S2 SOP and in the AWG Product Analysis report format. For planning purposes, contractor can expect to no less than 70 post mission reports per month.
d. Participate in the monthly CALL forums and compare/contrast with the information derived from paragraph c above. Contractor will produce an information paper to meet this requirement.
e. Conduct research on open source (Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router (NIPR)), secret (Secure Internet Protocol Router (SIPR)), and top-secret (Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS)) computers and network systems that identifies raw information, unevaluated intelligence, and finished intelligence.
f. Communicate with the full spectrum of AWG supported elements and partners, from DoD and non-DoD organizations at the strategic, operational, and tactical level consisting of individuals ranging from junior enlisted soldiers to General Officers, DA and DoD civilians to Senior Executive Service civilians, DoS personnel including Ambassadors, leaders and personnel within the U.S. interagency, commercial industry personnel, and foreign government officials.
g. Products and services:
i. Mission Analysis. The AWG staff and subordinate elements conduct comprehensive mission analysis for future missions across the globe 10-20 times per month. Contractor personnel will prepare and brief the intelligence portion of each mission analysis briefing, in accordance with ATP 2-33.4 for upcoming missions, to include initial development and reassessment of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) in order to describe the operational environment for the Operational Advisors. “All contractor products shall be submitted to AWG Government personnel for review and approval.” The intelligence portion of the mission analysis includes identification of emerging threat trends and tactics, techniques and procedures used by the adversary, capabilities and vulnerabilities of the threat, current mitigation measures IAW U.S. Army doctrine or best practices and measures used in similar environments, intelligence gaps, information requirements, and analysis of operational environments as they relate to AWG Priority Intelligence Requirements. Contractor will compose all documents IAW AR 25-50 and the AWG Security Classification Guide, citing all sources of information. Mission Analysis services and products are due to the All Source Production Chief for review no later than close of business the day prior to scheduled mission analysis briefing. Contractor will also attend the pre-execution briefing, led by Operational Advisors executing the mission, given to the Group Commander and be available to respond to any intelligence related questions.
ii. Intelligence Community Collaboration. Contractor personnel will engage all levels of the intelligence community including, but not limited to, the National Ground Intelligence Center, JIEDDO/COIC, TRADOC’s Training Intelligence Support Activity, Defense attachés, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the U.S. Border Patrol to coordinate and execute information exchanges for pre and post-mission briefs, to gather information requirements from outside entities, to enhance the intelligence community’s awareness of AWG missions and ensure coordination of pre and post mission debriefs with appropriate debriefing authority. Contractor collaboration for current and future missions will begin immediately after a mission is approved for planning and will continue through completion of a post-mission briefing and dissemination.
iii. Information Requirements (IR). Contractors will acquire information gaps and requests for information (RFI) from the intelligence community and develop IRs for use by the AWG Operational Advisors conducting missions. Contractors will communicate these IRs to AWG staff, commanders, and subordinate elements via various documents and briefings. The Contractor will incorporate IRs into the Concept of Operations (CONOP) during mission analysis and disseminate to appointed Operational Advisors no later than eight days prior to mission execution. Upon release of the post-mission reports, answers to IRs will be disseminated within eight working days.
iv. Intelligence Advisory Support. Contractor will provide direct, on-site intelligence advisory support to AWG missions in a multi-faceted capacity not less than ten times per year, with each instance lasting no longer than 120 days. Contractor will provide expertise, lessons learned and best practices of intelligence processes, applications and Department of Defense analytical tools, such as the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS), Palantir, Multi-media messages, QueryTree, Psi Jabber, H-Space, and I-Space. Contractor will support US Forces, Unified Action Partners (as defined by ADRP 3-0), Partner Nations or Host Nation. Contractor will support conventional and special operation forces to establish or enhance operations and intelligence fusion cells in CONUS and OCONUS locations, evaluate intelligence related deficiencies, and provide on-the-spot materiel and non-materiel advice. Contractor will also provide the supporting unit with points of contact in the intelligence community who can provide deeper analysis on specific, identified topics, Mission Command’s Centers of Excellence, solutions, countermeasures, applications, and best practices used in similar Operational Environments. For each mission, Contractor will compose and deliver the appropriate products and briefings to a multitude of personnel, from small tactical teams to leaders at the Ambassador level.
v. Intelligence Support to Advisory Operations. Not less than ten times per year, with each instance lasting no longer than 120 days, Contractor will provide direct, on-site intelligence support to AWG Advisory Operations. Contractor will provide intelligence support to Operational Advisors abroad in support of global missions using core analytical techniques IAW ATP 2-33.4 to enhance situational awareness to OAs, inform of immediate threats, emerging threats, and TTPs by analyzing the full spectrum of intelligence disciplines (GEOINT, IMINT, MASINT, HUMINT, SIGINT and OSINT). Contractor will provide enemy situational templates and assessments of the environment as well as any other intelligence request for information by the supporting element while forward deployed.
vi. S2 Global Intelligence Summary. The S2 Global Intelligence Summary informs the AWG, higher headquarters, and external audience of current intelligence and emerging threats or TTPs that have strategic, operational, and/or tactical level implications to US Forces using the core analytical techniques IAW ATP 2-33.4. Contractor will conduct thorough research across the network domains (NIPRNET, SIPRNET, and JWICS) and will use current, relevant, finished intelligence products to write articles for inclusion in the S2 Global Intelligence Summary. Contractor is permitted to use unfinished intelligence if said information is vetted prior to use. Contractor will write articles related to current and future AWG missions, AWG Priorities, Integrated Solution Team (IST) topics, AWG priority countries of interest derived from the AWG NAI Update, or identifying an emerging threat to US Forces. Contractor will cite no less than four sources per article. The S2 Global Intelligence Summary is divided into the five AWG areas of intelligence responsibility and CYBERCOM and will include three to five articles each for CENTCOM and AFRICOM, and two to three articles each for PACOM, EUCOM and the Western Hemisphere (NORTHCOM & SOUTHCOM) and two articles for CYBERCOM. Each article will include an assessment correlating the relevance to AWG missions, previous related observations annotated in previous AWG products (Tactical Trip Reports, Tactical Mission Summaries, Squadron situation reports (SITREP), executive summaries (EXSUM) and/or Information Papers), other environments in which the TTPs have been employed and observations of counter-TTPs, as applicable. Additionally, Contractor will identify the evolution of a TTP and/or the transfer or migration of a TTP to other operational environments, as applicable. Contractor will provide finished articles to the ASPC OIC no later than COB Thursday of each week.
vii. AWG NAI Update. AWG’s NAI are intended to focus AWG’s Global Scout Operations and analytical efforts to inform the Group Commander’s decision-making process. The methodology calculates friendly and environmental factors per country as they fit into established criteria, and then assigns a numeric value to each country based on these factors. Contractor will routinely review and evaluate the methodology, propose changes when and where applicable, research, analyze and update the value based off the criteria established in the methodology. Contractor will participate in updating this product each quarter.
viii. Special Projects and Assessments. AWG’s fluid nature requires ad-hoc analysis and assessments. No less than three times a quarter, Contractor will provide special assessments or analytical products, such as Desknotes, PowerPoint briefings, information papers, Emerging Threat Estimates, etc., that will be used to inform AWG, its higher headquarters and/or supporting elements. These special projects and assessments will be identified by the AWG S2 or the ASPC OIC. These special projects and assessments will require thorough intelligence research, analysis, and assessments. Examples of special projects and assessments include analysis of specific threat trends, identification and discussion of current intelligence tools or emerging tools available to enhance analytical capabilities throughout the intelligence institution.
ix. Battle Update Briefs. Once a week, Contractor shall prepare slides covering at least four to five intelligence highlights for the AWG Commander’s weekly battle update. Contractor will thoroughly research topics and prepare presentations, then deliver the slides to the ASPS OIC by the close of business on the day prior to the briefing, as determined by the AWG battle rhythm. Contractor will deliver the Global Intelligence Update for the AWG Commanders Update Brief when the ASPS OIC is absent.
x. Group Intelligence Synchronization. Contractor shall participate in the weekly synchronization meeting with the AWG S2 personnel and Squadron Intelligence personnel. Contractor shall update supporting slides concerning Squadron support efforts, general mission support, and special projects. The weekly synchronization meeting will occur as determined by the AWG S2’s battle rhythm.
xi. Trip and Meeting reports. While travelling, Contractor shall provide a daily update of activities and future activities to both the AWG S2 and the supported unit. Contractor shall write reports during and/or after their missions that convey what they’ve learned or witnessed in accordance with AWG standards and priorities. At a minimum, Contractor shall provide reports from seminars, conferences, working groups and meetings attended.
xii. Request for Information (RFI) Management. Contractor will collect, consolidate, send and receive Requests for Information (RFI) between the Intelligence Section and other entities, both internal and external. Contractor will develop and maintain a tracking system for RFI submission and receipt. Contractor will also maintain a list or database of points of contact for use with RFI submission and receipt.
xiii. RFI Answering. Contractor will research, collate, and analyze pertinent information to answer RFI from AWG and external supported units.
h. Contribute to AWG’s solution development and integration process. Contractor shall identify operational capability gaps, potential solutions, and assist with the assessment and implementation of solutions.
i. Participate in Working Groups. Contractor shall attend and constructively participate in various working groups conducted locally, within the National Capital Region, other CONUS locations, and occasionally in OCONUS locations. Working groups are episodic and cover a multitude of topics depending on the need. For planning purposes, Contractor can expect to participate in three or more working groups for each of the five AWG geographic areas of intelligence responsibility and CYBERCOM.
j. Contractor will provide sufficient supervision to task, monitor, track, control, support, coordinate, de-conflict, and synchronize contractor support to the Intelligence Section and meet the Government suspense.
k. Information Management. Contractor will provide experience information management (IM) capabilities with the Intelligence (S2) Section to organize, retrieve, acquire, secure, maintain and disseminate the multitude of digital information accumulated, analyzed, and produced in the Intelligence Section. IM capabilities will be used to synchronize with the AWG KM Section to improve S2 performance, innovation, and sharing of information with internal and external organizations.
l. Doctrinal Update: AWG is routinely sent copies of draft Army publications for review and comment. Contractor will provide draft feedback and input as requested for comments and recommendations based on relevant contractor expertise. The Contractor shall submit all updates and products to AWG officials for pre-approval.
Knowledge and Skills
Must possess strong research and writing skills and be capable of effectively operating as a member of a strategic level analytical team in the accomplishment of intelligence products and assessments.
Working knowledge of the national, operational, and tactical intelligence infrastructure available to DoD. Strong critical thinking and analytical skills, and the ability to work independently with strong problem solving skills.
Must be creative and have the ability to look at problems from multiple vantage points Ability to multi-task, prioritize workload, and successfully handle competing deadlines.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills with managers as well as team members.
Familiarity with full range of intelligence disciplines.
Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office products including PowerPoint, SharePoint and intelligence-related automation and communications capabilities within INTELINK, JWICS, and SIPR Net.
Experience and Education
Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university is preferred but not required.
Minimum of 5 years Special Operations experience.
Physical Requirements and Work Environment
Must maintain an appropriate level of physical fitness to conduct extended operations in a variety of terrain and environmental conditions.
Shall possess and maintain a level of physical fitness which enables them to operate in field conditions where they may have to, at a minimum, tolerate heat well in excess of 110 degrees in the summer and cold or freezing conditions during the winter.
Must be able to pass an age-adjusted Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) on a no-notice or semi-annual basis.
Deployable Contractor personnel must be physically and medically qualified to deploy to OCONUS locations.
Ability to will travel (less than 40% of the time) independently and accompanied, to various CONUS and OCONUS locations, to include potential hostile fire zones.
Deployments typically do not exceed four months at a time, however, the Contractor must be able to deploy within 10 business days of notice.
The above information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees assigned to this job.
Company Overview
Obsidian Solutions Group (OSG) is a diversified consulting and technology company providing flexible and responsive solutions to federal, state, and local agencies and organizations. Our core domains are overseas and domestic mission support operations, collection/analysis/identification, and information technology. Obsidian Solutions Group is comprised of strategic and operational personnel who provide its clients deep domain expertise across a comprehensive spectrum of skill sets, allowing mission accomplishment and development of long-term capabilities.
Obsidian Solutions Group is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, any other non-merit factor, or any other characteristic protected by law.